The Creation

This might be a very controversial blog that I might create, especially to religious people,  it will touch the subconscious of individuals, from different parts of the world.

God exists! (depending on what kind of God that is playing in your mind), how so? just try to look into your hand - everybody should count it with five fingers, then look into the other one, and its the same - five fingers. But look closely, your hand has a form,  that is proportionate, from those five fingers in relation to your palm, isn't it beautiful?... but I'm not talking about the beauty of your finger or your hand, I'm talking about what have they created, worked at, had written with words, and what kind of life you have created for all those years. Your hand exists, it's there, but your hand won't exist without something behind it, and it's you, the person, behind the hand...

Each person in this planet is a hand of God, we are moved in common behavior - our conscience, aspiration in life, of justice, and the desire of love, nobody is exempted, except for those people who fall short from the general expectation of society (the good society).

Going back to my main point, the Biblical Creation is not a '7 days Creation',  it is the stages of Creation, meaning - an order of Creation. The world is not created within 7 days (168 hours), which is too fantastic for a speck of dust to turn into gold. For a recap, the biblical creation goes like this in summary (by Good News Bible; Collins, The Bible Societies):
The first day: "let there be light"...then he separated the light from the darkness, and he named the light "Day" and the darkness "Night" - This is the 'big bang' where the planetary system was created and stars appear in the backdrop of the dark universe.
Second day: "Let there be a dome to divide the water and to keep it in two separate places"...he name the dome"Sky" - the formation of Earth from dust and ice water that produces atmosphere, the term 'sky' contains the clouds or separate body of water in the atmosphere that produces rain, it took billions of years to form.
Third day: "Let the water below the sky come together in one place so that the land will appear"...and named the land "earth" and the water that had come together is "Sea", "Let the earth produce all kinds of plants" - creation of vegetation - plants will not appear if there is no viable atmosphere. Science also has already established that there is only a single continent on the planet millions of years ago before it moves to several continents, a chilling similarity.

Fourth day: "Let lights appear in the show the time..." - the creation of time, the precise movement of moon, and the Earth, in relation to the sun to create a 24 hour time in 365 days, this is the stage where a day is created (there is no measure of time yet before this stage, literally, so the first day onward are not literal 24 hours day)
Fifth day: "Let the water be filled with many kinds of living beings, and let the air be filled with birds" - creation of sea animals and animals that fly - this stage corresponds with science that sea creatures had evolved into legged creatures and came out from the sea which corresponds also to the next creation, land animals in the sixth day, and it happened millions of years.
Sixth day: "Let the earth produce all kinds of animal life..."..."And now we will make human beings..." - the creation of land animals and then man - also, science says that man is the latest creature that appears in Earth, and the Cro-magnon man has the earliest time of existence, from 90,000 years, compared to animal creatures that appear first for millions of years.
Seventh day: Rest day - we are still in the 'Rest day' stage, wherein God will find out if his creation will fulfill his wish to 'populate the land' and 'subdue' it. Meaning to look after the Earth, our World, and become his children...if its to happen, that is still to be seen.

God didn't exist if he has no creation yet, it takes created beings to utter such word and to invent worship (belief or faith). He was described to be infinite, no beginning and no end, he is time itself and he is the space in the universe, and he is the very origin of energy (where the infinite atom is created and the building matter of everything), and he is life himself that never dies. Interestingly this life that we had hasn't met its death yet, it passes from one person to another through birth and ageing. Man dies but life persists... and he has personality, for where on earth did we get our personality? our soul? as he says "we will make man in our image" - end.

Knowledge of good and bad (Dec 11, 2011)

This essay is a highly condensed thought on billion of years of creation, it is a creation and I am not stealing ideas from scientists', it happened that science was recently established in our society, and it's fitting that we can use it for this new era for debate. All knowledge is owned by God and can be used for him. Anything good that comes out from the human brain is a product of God-given thought and can be used by anyone who is inclined to glorify God. God is the first democracy, wherein he asked for the first human being to make a choice, by giving a command for two choices: " do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and bad...  that if you eat from it you will definitely die!". It is one command but it as a 'dialectic', meaning, God had instilled to the human being the power to reason, and making choices. Why on earth he will tell the first human beings about the knowledge of 'good and bad' if he is not trying to induce the power of reason? or the simple inducement of curiosity?. 

The first human Adam and Eve might have thought "what is good and bad?", when they heard it for the first time they already exercise their God-given power of reason, despite not understanding its meaning... as they are fresh as created beings.

This is true to human history, according to records, that our creator had given us a 'blank sheet' in our brain hence pre-historic times is a society of cavemen, until they developed into community wherein archaeological evidence starting to appear. This took thousands of years until they become a society and developed their own government or ruler-ship. Human civilization, according to God's plan, is not a ready-made one, it is now apparent that we have the perfect human form but not the perfect life, or know how to live the life he gave us. Initially, we only have the conscience given to us as instinct, and some other form of instinct, but they are very basic. It's up to the human mind to develop himself and figure out what is the real destiny of humanity. God has a plan, but that plan is relative, it's up to his creation to come up to something that he desires, that's why he gave us 'free-will' (see the Bible, philosophy, and other written books), and in no way, he will alter the course of humanity unless we fall short of his expectation, which is, regretfully, it happened ( this is a different subject that I wish to elaborate, please read my article Love).
  1. How about the phrase "if you eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad...and you will die". Does that mean that knowledge will result to death?. Not at all, this only contradicts his desire for humans to have free-will, that means deciding according to the knowledge they gain in their course of life. So where is 'death' fits in the story?. We have to remember that God put that 'tree of death' associated with the knowledge of good and bad alongside with the tree of life, in the same 'garden'. Bible scholar will say this is a test for the first human to follow God or not, which they fail, which I also agree. But why it is associated to the knowledge of good and bad? Is there more meaning to it than what can we understand?. In this point of view we have to realized that our creator is not only God of the past and of the present, he is also the future - and he knows the future based on the things he sees at present, he is the ultimate 'oracle'. So when he said knowledge of good and bad will result to death, he is also saying that without him, and if human being decided to live by their own and setting by themselves what is good and bad (making laws), the result will be an imperfect world, and will result to large portion of human death - WAR.

    Freewill and Sin (Dec 22, 2011)
     The other issue associated in the "tree of 'death'" and the "tree of life" is choice (the exercise of free will), upon which God had asked the first humans "Adam and Eve" to have nourishment in the tree of life but not on the tree of knowledge of good and bad, which he means self-determination or government of man. God didn't just make a test towards the first humans, he implicitly asked them not to touch the tree of 'death', so they are informed on what it is and its implications, and its only a matter of choice for them to decide what to do. It's a simple instruction from a father towards his children and telling them what will happen, but sadly they made a wrong choice, with the help of a deceiver.

  2. The story of the deceiver ("snake," "Satan"- meaning "opposer", a rebel angel) is partially to blame because it was Eve who was deceived, who then enticed Adam to follow her. Adam, the father of human being, on the other hand, is well informed as he knows God for a long time before he realizes that he is alone (see written scripture, Genesis - the Bible), and that God eventually created Eve for his company, and hence Adam has no excuse to be deceived, as he is well informed about the will of God. In the end, after he committed the act of transgression towards God, when he was confronted, he denied he was at fault and mentioned Eve who offered her the 'fruit', putting blame on Eve, and eventually to God which he said "the woman you gave me...". Adam, naturally, as the head of the family, has to take the blame, and that means to accept the penalty of death, and a state of having "sin", not for him alone but for his family. It is not instant death that they have to go through, but the dying of life, a consequence of falling out with God, hence the story of shunning them away from garden of Eden, a place where the 'tree of life is located', which is actually a figurative place, it is a human state, where God's grace is flowing towards his children, and life is everlasting.

    This short story about what happened at that time is the very basis of the human existence at present. It is a biblical story but its the only story we found from historical events supported by manuscripts and historical people (Moses, the author)...and we don't have other stories around the world that can match the originality and authenticity of such events, and every detail of the story matched the logic of any man who can come across to such events.


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