"Alien" Is Also Written In The Bible...
This footage Tells us that extra-terrestrials are here on earth, they are not necessarily aliens, they could be here earlier than us. That shooting light indicates a weapon that is trying to shoot a moving object that suddenly changed course. There is a power trying to protect the earth, they are here on this planet but hidden. This explains why high ranking officials from western countries talk about 'aliens' living amongst us. This has a correlation to the Bible story of 'angels' who are here before Noah's flood. They are considered higher beings who adulterated humans by cohabiting with women and bore unnatural giant Nephilims and then wiped out after the flood. They were shunned from the earth and human contact, and to ensure that this is followed 'guardian angels' were posted on this planet to prevent other beings, who are no longer 'angels', to have another influence on humans (Bible, Genesis Chapter 6). But the Bible b...