

There is a growing sense that prophecy in the Bible regarding 'end of days' is being fulfilled in our time, in this era. But we have to remember that even Christ declared "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Mathew 24:36 NIV). Christ himself discusses events of the last days leading to his second coming in chapter 24 in the book of Mathew, not the exact day of his coming but the events surrounding that time. The first four books of the Bible Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four gospel books and biography of Christ seen from  different perspectives. The book of Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 17 and 21 also discusses 'end of days' but not in the Book of John. Please note that these phrases "end of days", "end of times", "end of the age", and "end of the world" found in a different translation of the Bible has the same meaning. THE DESTRUCT


THE FOLLY OF CCP’S IDEOLOGY AND CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY The coronavirus outbreak was planned and intentionally released based on the prevailing evidence sourced openly. The communist party regime (Chinese Communist Party- CCP) was in the brink of ideological breakdown brought by the Hongkong’s win in political maneuvering by the people and the military pressure in relation to Taiwan when US President Trump declared economic war against China along with the backdrop of protecting Taiwan from imminent invasion by the ‘Red’ army of the CCP (People’s Liberation Army-PLA) The CCP had taken the word of President Trump’s declaration of economic war literally as an act of war against China and they are needing a retaliatory response that will turn the table in their favor, and one arsenal that they are keeping in their war room is the coronavirus, previously identified also in China as the SARS-coronavirus (96% DNA-similar) in 2013, and was extensively researched by Chinese sci

The Lost World of Noah

THE ANTEDILUVIAN WORLD OF NOAH The book of Genesis in the Bible mentions about a world before a cataclysmic flood and referred to by Jesus Christ as a shadow for his future event: "   As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. " (Mathew 24:37) It is notable to see that the divinely inspired Moses didn't discuss the prediluvian era and only written about 'fallen' angels who cohabited with women and fathered Nephilims (giants) who became renowned warriors and 'heroes' (Genesis Chapter 6),  then destruction happened because of wickedness, corruption, and violence. The family of Abraham, approximately 420 years after the flood (10 generations after Noah, Genesis 11:10-32 ) who was chosen to become the ancestor of the Jews and the lineage of Jesus Christ, does not have written records about their past and it was only during the time of Moses that a written record had been established. They probably have oral and so

An Insight To Democracy circa 2020 AD: "The Hand of God"

The word 'democracy' was first coined in Greece around 500 BCE, meaning "strength of the people" in governing a community, and it took thousands of years to become popular around the world as the choice of government structure in modern times. This concept of rulership has an intrinsic origin unto the need for justice, social order, and fairness among the society in Athens at the time. It is also in the State of Athens, in Areopagus (seat of State Council), five centuries after, that Apostle Paul had declared the "good news" about Jesus Christ among the pagan intellectuals of Greece (please read the Bible, Act 17:16-43) . In this context, Paul had mentioned about "every nation", "appointed times", and boundaries of their lands"  in his proclamation:       " From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he         marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their land

Ancient Civilizations

A Lost Civilisation The discovery of many megalithic structures and cities underneath sea levels dotted along the shorelines around the world, particularly in the equatorial area of the planet, proves the existence of a civilization in a prediluvian time mentioned in Genesis Chapter 6 of the Bible. Interestingly, most of these mega-structures under the sea level have been dated to be 12,000 to 14,000 years old, coincided with the sudden end of the already melting ice age due to a meteor strike unto the planet earth 12,000 (circa 10,000 BC) years ago causing the great flood. Many researchers today had been arriving at this conclusion due to the un-explained formation of these pyramids and megalithic structures found around the world with similar precision on how they were built. Take for example how detailed an Inca pyramid located in Mexico, and several stone structures in Peru compared to the undersea structure of Japan: Chichen Itza, Mexico Chinchero, Peru Machu Picc

"Alien" Is Also Written In The Bible...

This footage Tells us that extra-terrestrials are here on earth, they are not necessarily aliens, they could be here earlier than us. That shooting light indicates a weapon that is trying to shoot a moving object that suddenly changed course. There is a power trying to protect the earth, they are here on this planet but hidden. This explains why high ranking officials from western countries talk about 'aliens' living amongst us. This has a correlation to the Bible story of 'angels' who are here before Noah's flood. They are considered higher beings who adulterated humans by cohabiting with women and bore unnatural giant Nephilims and then wiped out after the flood. They were shunned from the earth and human contact, and to ensure that this is followed 'guardian angels' were posted on this planet to prevent other beings, who are no longer 'angels', to have another influence on humans (Bible, Genesis Chapter 6). But the Bible b


"...And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love. " ( 1st letter of Paul to Corinthians [chap. 13], the Bible). The very context onto the whole saga of life is love, not even faith can encompass the very essence of love. It is the very basis of God's creation, and mankind is intended to be the manifestation. Why love is the greatest among everything?, it is because Love is God himself. Apart from his creation that we can see and touch, love is the only thing we can feel in our heart in an exquisite manner, and in different types - towards God, towards family, to others, and to someone special. We could have hope, or faith - we go to church, we pray religiously, and we practice all kinds of efforts to please God, but we don't have love, or that love is corrupted, then that faith is useless. So love is the measure of everything , what we do to ourselves and what we do to others is the very meaning of faith, or I should say t